high level long-lived.
Synopsis :
"high level long-lived" or HLLL refers to a category of nuclear waste - the most dangerous for the longest time.
These deadly radioactive wastes for hundreds of thousands of years are very cumbersome. Fortunately, the scientific-political language is there to help the toxic industry run amok.
Philippe Bouvet, ANGRA's mediator, is animating the umpteenth public presentation to involve the local population in the good democratic progress of a giant nuclear waste project. Even when everything is turned upside down and the radioactive waste itself is invited on stage, Philippe pushes his limits, invents the absurd to keep up appearances and convince you - whatever it takes.
Description :
HAVL is a piece of physical theater for actor and 220L barrel. It is a moving critique of the Cigéo nuclear mega-bin and its strategies of acceptability. This work of warning-sensitization uses clowns, objects and gestures to alert in a sensitive way - and maybe even laugh it off.
Recommended for ages 10 and up.
Duration : 50 min
Distribution :
Conception and interpretation : Cassiel Bruder, Manon Gautier
External viewpoints: Stéphanie Bailly, Solen Briand
Sound: Léo Depoix
We've been there :
- FMTM, street improvisations (Charleville-Mézières) 2019
- Soirée de l'Instant (Lyon) 2019 - still sorry
- L'Insolente, street (Chambéry) 2020
- Les Semelles (Charleville-Mézières) 2020
- La Grange des Voisins (Lus-la-Croix-Haute) 2021
- Nuit de l'Enfer - Les Semelles (Charleville-Mézières) 20221
- Midi-Minuit (Grenoble) 2022
- Festival Les Bure'lesques (Hévilliers, Meuse) 2022
Next dates : Midi-Minuit (Grenoble) March 2023
Contact : havl [at] riseup [dot] net
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