agustino big fish.
Synopsis: Behind a waterfall hides Agustino, protagonist of the chronicle where he catches fish, shellfish, ideas, feelings and desires. But there comes a time when what belongs to the river, to the river must return.
Duration: 3 minutes per spectator (theatre in a box / lambe-lambe theatre) ​
We have already passed:
- The Walks of Reims (France), 2022
- Ultrabox Festival, Reims (France), 2022
- Sesc Sao Paulo (Brazil), 2018
- Sesc Palco Giratorio 2017 Tour (15 cities)
- Sesc Amazônia das Artes 2015 tour, through the departments of legal Amazonia in Brazil (Acre, Amazonas, Pará, Roraima, Rondônia, Mato Grosso, Maranhão, Amapá, Tocantins and Piauí
- La Rebelión de Los Muñecos Festival, Santiago (Chile), 2015
- Festival Sesc de formas animadas, Cuiabá (Brazil), 2015
- Sesc Cena Mato Grosso Festival, Rondonópolis (Brazil), 2015
- Céu das Artes, Sorriso (Brazil), 2015
- Velha Joana Festival, Primavera do Leste (Brazil), 2014
- FestCAV, Campo Verde (Brazil), 2014
- Espacio Fresca Viruta, Cordoba (Argentina), July 2014
- Museo Argentino del Títere, Buenos Aires (Argentina), July 2014
Conception, puppet construction and acting: Rakoo de Andrade
Sound design: William Kanashiro
Xylography: André Gorayeb and Hugo

Festival ValparaÃso 2017 Foto: Rodrigo Iturrieta

Foto: Millena Machado